Refine Your Marketing Strategy and Grow Your Business

Monthly Marketing & Sales Enablement Coaching for Small Business

As a Small business you shouldn't have to figure it all out alone

Are you steering the marketing ship for your small business? Ever feel like the right marketing and sales strategy could skyrocket your business to stellar success? Imagine having a community of like-minded entrepreneurs to exchange ideas with, bolstered by the support and guidance of a seasoned sales and marketing expert. If that sounds like your beacon of hope, welcome aboard—you've found your crew! Join today and set your course.

Proven Frameworks

Expert Support

Results to Shout About

Elevate your brand and boost your bottom line

Imagine having a powerful brand narrative that captures the essence of your business. With a clear marketing strategy, you can seamlessly connect with your ideal customers, foster meaningful relationships, and drive sustainable growth for your business.

Leverage the power of guided peer collaboration

The small business sales and marketing coaching cohort offers you a unique opportunity to work alongside fellow business owners and marketers in a collaborative environment. With expert guidance, you'll learn to develop a compelling brand narrative, create strategic marketing collateral that resonates with your audience, and arm your sales team with collateral and processes that enable them to sell more effectively.

Three Steps to Creating a Clearer Message and Increasing Sales


Join a small group cohort


Learn and collaborate


Refine your strategy

Elevate your business and marketing strategy through the Small Group Marketing & Sales Enablement Cohort.

Develop a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your audience
Create a strategic marketing plan to boost customer engagement and sales
Receive personalized feedback and insights from an industry expert and peers
Gain a supportive community of like-minded business owners for ongoing collaboration
Boost your confidence in implementing effective marketing strategies for your business
Let me begin by saying, "Wow!". I am one session in working with Anne and I can see the crystal clear path for my business for DECADES to come!

Ameenah Asante

The Shi Collective

Image of Anne Craft in the background typing with a coffee mug that has the words "Be The Guide" on it.

Pricing plan

Flexible pricing to meet your needs

12 Monthly Payments
6-Month Minimum
One 90-min learning session per month
Activities and "homework" to implement learning
(4) 1-hr one-on-one coaching meetings (1 per quarter)
Exclusive community
A subscription to Business Made Simple, an
online platform to grow your small business. $279 value
On-demand courses
Actionable Playbooks and Templates
Enroll Now
One-time Payment
Save $489!
One 90-min learning session per month
Activities and "homework" to implement learning
(4) 1-hr one-on-one coaching meetings (1 per quarter)
Exclusive community
A subscription to Business Made Simple, an
online platform to grow your small business. $279 value!
On-demand courses
Actionable Playbooks and Templates

Cohort Starts October 1 , 2024

Explore the topics we'll cover and the significant value that awaits.


Still have questions? Schedule a chat.

contact Now
How much time will I need to invest?

There is (1) 90-min group learning session each month and (1) one-on-one strategy meeting per quarter. Successful cohort members spend 1-3 additional hours each week applying the lessons in their business.

Who is this program designed for?

This program is ideal for small business owners and entrepreneurs who are looking to improve their marketing efforts and increase sales.

What is the commitment for this program?

There is a 6-month minimum commitment for those wishing to pay on a month-to-month basis.

What makes this program different from other marketing coaching services?

This program is specifically tailored to small business and focuses on practical, actionable strategies that have been proven to work across various industries. The coach brings 2 decades of sales and marketing expertise and a commitment to personalized support.

What is the maximum number of participants in each cohort?

Cohorts are capped at 10 participants to ensure that each member gets personalized support and feedback.

What happens if I miss a session during the cohort?

All sessions will be recorded and sent to participants the same day.

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